Sept 12 Day 14

I didn’t post last night because I had an attack of vertigo. Lots of sleep and rest today has helped considerably. My head has sort of settled down, at least enough to write this.
Yesterday, we visited some churches and sold some books. About halfway through the day we quit and went to sister Dina’s. We enjoyed sitting out on her patio in the warm sunshine, having supper and visiting with Bob after he finished work. By the time we went home, my head was spinning. I knew there wasn’t much to be done but wait it out.
Today we enjoyed the Riverwalk Trail with Dina and Ben. We didn’t walk far but we did have a picnic. The warm temperatures felt like a July afternoon. Tonight the five of us, Dina, Bob, Ben and Tom and I went for supper. The wind had started to blow, and the sky darken as we went into the restaurant. While we were enjoying our conversation and good food, the heavens opened and the rain poured down. We had to jump the puddles when we headed for home.

Where was God today and yesterday? Well, I felt God’s presence in the joy of time with family. I’ve certainly prayed for the vertigo to disappear. It has receded somewhat. I’m hoping it will be gone in the morning. As always, I’ve felt God’s comfort as Tom cared for me and my swirling head.