Advent Prayers
Tonight we returned from a delightful visit with dear friends in Montreal. For some reason sleep is eluding me. I wanted to post a reflection. First of all I am truly grateful for our friends. They have been a blessing in my life for over forty years. They always wrap us in love and acceptance. This time I received the added blessing of leading in both face to face and virtual worship at Montreal’s St. Genevieve United Church. They were gracious and loving. They gave me an opportunity to tell “The Christmas Shadow”, a story from my latest book, Breakthrough Moments. After the service, they gathered around my book display and bought my books to give as Christmas presents. Telling my stories and writing is fun. I’ve had a great week.
As a gift for you, I offer a prayer from the United Church’s Advent Unwrapped resources that are available online. This prayer reminds me that each thing we say, and do can be an intentional prayer. For the remaining two weeks in advent when you stop for a drink whether it’s hot chocolate, tea, coffee, or precious plain water, have a short conversation with God. Thank God for the blessings and the concerns of that moment. Seek God’s guidance for your day. Rest in the warmth and comfort of God’s loving arms. Enjoy Advent. You are preparing to celebrate the birth of someone you love.
Hot Cocoa Prayer
- Measure two tablespoons of cocoa powder. Taste it (it’s bitter). Pray for some of the things that are bitter in your life and a little hard to take on their own.
2. Measure and add 1–2 tablespoons of sugar or sweetener. Taste it (it’s sweet). Offer a prayer of thanks for all the things that are sweet in your life and are perhaps best in small doses.
3. Add a pinch of salt. Taste it (it’s salty). Offer a prayer for moments of grace and clarity, experiences that bring out the flavour of life.
4. Warm some milk (or milk beverage) while reflecting on when you have experienced the Holy in the past day or week. What has warmed your heart?
5. Mix warmed milk beverage with hot chocolate mixture. Taste it (it’s yummy). Give thanks to God and enjoy.