Borrowed Glory
It’s Labour Day weekend, the beginning of another school year. Many people will be watching a sporting event of some kind. Just a few weeks ago I was engrossed in the Olympics. As an armchair sports enthusiast I’ve decided that these events whether sports or music concerts or whatever give us “borrowed glory”. For a few minutes, or days we can bask in the glory of success achieved by our favourite athlete, musician etc. Eventually that glory fades, as we wait for the next event.
Today I’m aware that each of us experience our own individual glory every day even though we’re not aware of it. Children love the glory of accomplishing and learning new things. Every time our 17-month-old grandson Riley, accomplishes something new, he looks up at anyone who is watching, grins and claps his hands with glee. He happily waits for us to say, “Good job, Riley,” and join in his applause. As we mature we tend to let go of that glory in simple things. We expect ourselves to be able to do so much and tend to notice only when we fail. By the time we reach our senior years it feels as if our glory days are over.
Today I would like to invite us as adults, especially seniors to recognize and celebrate the glory we have each and every day. As a senior I’m aware of the effort, the adjustment, the hard work it takes and the creativity we use in order to adapt to the changes life brings us. Sometimes just dragging our weary arthritic bodies out of bed in the morning deserves applause. When I consider the adapting required to keep my energy flowing at half the speed I used to have, I need to applaud my creativity instead of deploring my failure. I do not need to borrow glory from top athletes, or talented musicians or anyone else.
For the next week I suggest to you, my readers, for sure continue to enjoy all the borrowed glory you can as you watch others. At the same time, notice your life. Be like Riley and give yourself applause every time you actually remember why you went out to the kitchen. Applaud the fact that you are able to go for a walk and all the other everyday things you do.
Remember elite athletes have coaches that support them, teach them, encourage them on their journey to the Olympics or professional sport. Our coach is God who offers us strength to live each day and walks with us in our journey of aging. Elite athletes need there coach and so do we. When we look to God for strength and applause we discover that we do not have to borrow glory. God knows and supports our every effort every day. Listen in your heart for the sound of God’s applause.