Our family always gathers at my son’s home on Canada Day to celebrate the birthday of Vanessa (our oldest granddaughter). When Vanessa was little, I’m sure it seemed to her as if all those fireworks were just for her birthday.
As Canadians, we have lots to celebrate. The travelling I’ve done in my life time has only reinforced my love for our beautiful, peaceful, safe, caring nation. One of our Canadian characteristics is our ability to criticize ourselves, especially our politicians. Finding fault seems to be a national past time. Being human, our M.P. and prime minister have faults, one of which often is (for many of us) that this leader represents the wrong political party – whichever one that is.
The Bible gives us the story of the nation of Israel as it develops politically. First, it is ruled by priests, then Judges, and finally Kings. If we think our political system is adversarial with four main parties and several lesser ones, Israel in David’s time had twelve tribes, each with its own strong leader. The story tells us that when David was anointed King, the twelve tribes let go of their differences and focused on the security and unity that they hoped would come with David’s rule.
On this Canada Day, I intend to pray for our political leaders. I may not agree with the decisions that they make, or the party they support. The bottom line is that in the last election, for whatever reasons, these men and women were selected as our leaders. For their term of office, they are the custodians of our peace and unity. As such, they need our prayer support. Compassion, caring, honesty, justice, and wisdom are all gifts of God’s Spirit. I want our leaders to be open to God’s Spirit.
This Canada Day and every day, let us not forget to hold in prayer the leadership of our country. Remember, there is power in prayer.
“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” (Jeremiah 29:7)