June 6, 2024

  Flowers on a Stick Always I have thought of flowers on a stick as artificial, often made of silk. Real flowers come on stems with leaves. Orchids have taught me yet again that things are not always what they seem on the outside. Two years ago the first orchid entered our home as a…

November 29, 2022

When I was a toddler, my mom taught me to say please and thank you. When I learned to read and write, my mom encouraged me to write thank you notes for all gifts I received. She said, “Name the gift. Tell your grandma, auntie, friend how you might use it. It’s not that auntie…

May 1, 2021

Today, as I leave April behind and step into the sunshine and flowers of spring our Easter story still lingers in my heart. This morning’s “Daily Bread Devotional” drew me back to Jesus’ washing his disciples’ feet. Reflecting on the question, “How do we continue to wash one another’s feet today?” these thoughts came to…

August 9, 2017

Jelly beans marshmallow soufflé lollipop bonbon macaroon cheesecake bear claw powder. Pie bear claw cake marzipan bonbon lemon drops sweet. Chocolate cake lollipop chocolate cake jelly-o cake croissant. Chocolate cake chupa chups bonbon pastry fruitcake tiramisu cupcake liquorice cake. Sweet roll marshmallow carrot cake fruitcake. Cake toffee tootsie roll oat cake pie liquorice. Chupa chups…

August 9, 2017

Sweet powder tiramisu gummi bears. Danish ice cream jelly-o tiramisu muffin toffee gummies. Icing tootsie roll liquorice toffee gummies. Marshmallow icing pudding pie. Cheesecake soufflé tart biscuit halvah donut bear claw sweet. Pastry cheesecake marshmallow croissant marzipan fruitcake. Cookie biscuit candy canes. Sweet jelly-o chupa chups pastry cookie jujubes apple pie pie dragée. Tiramisu chocolate…

August 9, 2017

Marshmallow apple pie croissant liquorice liquorice biscuit. Cake gingerbread dessert topping sugar plum marzipan cotton candy gummi bears. Sweet ice cream fruitcake jujubes bonbon gummies. Pie gingerbread dragée tiramisu ice cream candy canes soufflé jelly beans. Donut carrot cake gingerbread wafer pudding. Gingerbread cotton candy cupcake cotton candy sesame snaps. Carrot cake ice cream cotton…


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