September 15 Day 17

Today, we met Bev and Neil for breakfast in our hotel. Last night, in the course of our conversation in the hot tub, I told Bev about Fireweed. “I’d like to buy one,” she said. “I’ll get it from you at breakfast.” We talked and talked this morning. When 10 a.m. came we moved from the breakfast room to the lobby and talked some more. It was well after eleven when we finally checked out. The hotel didn’t mind and neither did we. We had made new friends.

This morning’s journey took us through Roger’s Pass. These mountains must be a little lower because they were rich with trees right up to the summit. The rocks and snow that had capped the higher mountains yesterday, were replaced with beautiful evergreens, trees, lots of trees, high above us, all around us. “This is God’s wondrous world” kept dancing through my head.

We stopped in Revelstoke at tourist information. Tom called Rev. Ken Jones at Revelstoke UC. He was in and quite happy to talk to us. He’d even heard of me. Wow! That feels like progress. Conversation with Ken was fun. He bought Dipping Your Toes, Fireweed, and Spectacular Stella. He also took my literature to carry to Presbytery since he’s the chair. An excellent and successful contact that Tom had found on the internet last night while I was sorting out pictures for my blog. We are a great team.

Next stop, Salmon Arm B.C. We had an appointment with Jenny Carter at the United Church. I had called ahead this time but neglected to leave her my phone number. Somehow we missed connecting with Rev. Jenny. We’ll check in with her in the morning before we leave for Kelowna.
Tonight at supper, we lined up behind a couple from South Africa. We talked, of course. Our common ground was my son David and family who moved to South Africa this past summer. After a short visit, we gave them my card. They will send us an email so we can send them Dave’s phone number. They wanted to call Dave to tell him they’d been to Canada and our chance meeting at the restaurant. Was this chance meeting a co-incidence? No, a God-incident, for sure.
Tonight we’re at the Comfort Inn and Suites, a wonderful hotel. Mary at the front desk, couldn’t have been more helpful. She even found an electric kettle so I could have my tea tonight as I write this. The room is spacious and comfortable. The swimming pool is amazingly warm. The hot tub of course is great. We will add this one to our list of great places to stay.
That’s it for tonight. We’ve had a productive day. Books sold, good contacts made, and miles and miles of spectacular scenery. We even had an opportunity to talk with Connie and Ellie. The tough part of this holiday is being away from our beloved family for so long. Tonight I remind myself that in just three more days we’ll be in Vancouver and be connecting with Tom’s daughter, Bonnie, her partner Boris, their baby Alex and Connie’s son, Christopher. Families today are often spread all over the world. We can’t be with them all at the same time. Tom and I are truly blessed to be able to make this trip to see these cherished family members.
Tonight we have heaps of blessings to count. We are grateful.