Dads Are Special!

Image by Daniela Dimitrova from Pixabay

     I truly believe Dads, at their best are special, a blessing for their entire family, and wonderful models for their communities.

On the CBC news feed I read Chris Tyrone Ross’ article about indigenous dads written for the CBC First Person Series.  In it he says,

“All I have left of my dad are memories and the lessons I learned

watching him raise three children on his own. I learned from the

examples he set…As an Indigenous dad, I have come to learn …

It is no longer about me; it is about my children and their needs.

It is no longer about accolades or ego or reputation, because

your kids do not care for any of that. They only care about you.”

Chris talks about dads carrying the heritage, the traditions of indigenous ancestors. You do not have to be indigenous to be one of those special Dads. Fathers are so important in our children’s lives. Our Creator God has given them the special calling, Fatherhood.

During much of much of my lifetime Dads have been the primary providers. Today their role has changed dramatically. I watch my great-grandson and his father. Their joy in just being together brings tears to my eyes. I know this toddler will learn so much through his relationship with his father – trust, courage, confidence, honesty, generosity, love, the list goes on and on. Dads are special. Like Moms, they need our support, our encouragement, our affirmation, our empathy, our respect.

Today, as you celebrate Father’s Day, lift up the good memories, the stories of love that are connected with your Dad, or the man who plays the role of Father for you. Give thanks for the things his life has taught you. If you were blessed with a Dad that lived a life of faith, know just how unique and wonderful that is in today’s world. Say a prayer of encouragement for all the fathers, young and old, that are doing their best to fulfil God’s calling.

“Start children off on the way they should go. Even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 6:22 NIV)


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