Guest Speaking

I would love to come and talk with your group. Give me a theme and I will do my best to give you an inspirational experience. Also, I have topics to offer.


I will tell Biblical stories and give you tips for creating and telling your own.
We will discuss the value of storytelling for our faith. I will tell stories as examples.


The joys and frustrations of self-publishing and writing.


Where do I get my ideas? The inspiration behind my books.


Strategies for dealing with grief.
Changing funeral traditions and their effects on our grief journey.


Living an Attitude of Gratitude.

Book Clubs

When your group chooses to read either Fireweed or To Begin Again, I will come and join you as you have your discussion.


Growing your faith/tending your soul.


The Drama of Worship/Tips for Enhancing the worship experience.

Public Speaking

Tips for making your speaking memorable.

Meeting with you and your group will be fun for both of us. Of course, I will bring along my books for you to purchase without shipping costs. Send me an email to reserve your day/evening.

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