I apologize for the erratic nature of my blog posting lately. I was pre-posting blogs and they were automatically being published. At the moment that is not working on my blog. Therefore I will return to posting them each week on Friday morning. Thank you for your patience.
How Do We Give Thanks?
By Janet Stobie
How do we give thanks in a world that:
- uses poison gas, bombs and guns;
- condones violence;
- bases success on greed and competition?
I can give thanks because I know that in the midst of this hell created by human beings, God is active every moment of every day creating good.
- Creation is God’s gift.
I am grateful for the many people who have hearts that see and contribute to the goodness in this world.
This year, let’s shift our focus. We don’t have to join the darkness and hopelessness that exist in this world.
We can open our eyes to see and be the light that is shining in the darkness.
- Soak in the fall beauty that surrounds you. Count the number of beautiful trees and shrubs you encounter each day. Take pictures at least with your mind. Every day describe a moment of natural beauty to a friend and/or family member.
God’s Amazing Beauty - It lasts for ten minutes before disappearing.
- Be an instrument of goodness. Each day offer a smile, a thank you, a hug, a compliment, a word of praise to at least one person.
- Add to the light in this world by opening a door, offering to pray, taking time to listen, baking a cake, making a telephone call.
- Collect moments of joy that you have given to an adult, teen or child each day, or even each hour. Put them in the album of your mind.
Changing our world requires an intentional choice. Begin each morning with the famous words, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” End each day giving thanks for the goodness you have seen, you have given and you have received.