There is the story of two people, one saw the glass half-full, the other half-empty. One worried about having enough energy to take on that task or enough money to get the job done or enough respect to get the promotion. And so they said, “We can’t do that. We don’t have enough people or enough resources. Their list of “not enough” goes on and on.
The second person always had the glass which was half full. This is the person that we call an optimist . Full of hope and enthusiasm this one believes that somehow the task will get done. Why it’s half-done already.
Not long ago, I was introduced to a third person in that story. This person wasn’t worrying about the fullness or the emptiness of the glass. This one was full of gratitude to have a glass at all no matter how full or empty it was. You see without the glass you cannot even begin. Without the glass you have no hope.
In this world today where scarcity often is the operative word, we definitely need hope. In our busy chaotic lives we need to remember
that we have been given today. Yes, maybe we have far more things to do than we’ll get done. Yes, maybe we’re exhausted from too much doing yesterday. Yes, maybe there are people or troubles that will make our life difficult. Still, we have today.
We have today, to live, to love to laugh and to cry. We have been given this twenty-four hours. Whether we fill, half-fill, or leave empty this day, it has been given to us. This day is God’s gift. Whatever happens in it, whatever we do with or don’t do with it, let us drink deeply and give thanks. This day is God’s blessing.
“This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and give thanks in it!” (Psalm 118:24)