How Much Persistence Do I Need?

How Many More?


Warm weather draws us to our gardens. The weeds of course, have managed to get there ahead of us. “It doesn’t matter what I do,” a friend declared. “The weeds persist. If weeds can’t get through the layers of gardening cloth I’ve laid down, they grow sidewise until they are past the barrier. Then they poke their heads up and thrive.”

Today’s world encourages us to give up on living with integrity. Often the work is piled on so heavily, it’s almost impossible to do our best job. Media reports on cheating by elected officials and people in leadership have led us to think it’s the norm to cheat at least a little.

It we truly want:   

  • to live in a better world,
  • to ensure that all people have enough to eat,  
  • to promote peace,

we need to have the same persistence as the weeds in our garden.

We cannot succumb to the messages given by today’s society. We cannot let the immensity of need defeat us.

We can do it. We can be the hands and feet of Christ.

The weeds persistence comes from their drive to survive.

Our persistence comes from God. Step forth in faith. God will give you the strength to build a new world.



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