“Knock and the Door Will Be Opened.”

“Knock and the Door Will Be Opened.”

Years ago, I watched a TV game show, “Let’s Make a Deal.”  After a contestant had won some money, they were shown three doors. Behind one riches were hiding – a fabulous trip, a new car or… Behind the other two doors there was nothing. The choice was: keep what you have or choose a door. Of course, if the contestant opened the wrong door he/she lost everything. But if they happened to choose the right door there was great celebration – applause from the audience, valuable prizes, lively music and many congratulations. The gamble had paid off.

I’m glad God doesn’t follow the same pattern as the game show. My ability to win at any draw is pretty well zero. In the “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus said, “Knock and the door shall be open unto you. With God, behind each door are the riches of God’s blessings, intended to enable us to have a full and fruitful life. With each door comes God’s promise: “These are the plans I have for you, plans for goodness and prosperity.” And the doors are endless.

Still too often we are afraid. We see the opportunity, but we pass on by. We miss out. The good news is God keeps on offering doors. All we need do is knock. All we need to do is make the choice to receive.

To help illustrate, I offer you this story from my life. Many years ago, I attended a women’s camp weekend. Stepping through that door brought me yet another door, God’s call to share the joy of faith. After much thought and prayer, I said “No”. Instead, I convinced my husband (at the time) to open it and study for ministry. After all, we had three young children and my job as mom wasn’t finished.

I passed by God’s door, but God wasn’t finished with me. God offered a door leading to counselling training which I opened. Five years later, when my youngest child was entering grade 13, another door appeared. Once again, this one led to ordained ministry. After much prayer and soul searching, I did knock. The door opened wide. For nineteen years, I enjoyed serving God, through serving people in the church. It was a wonderful job. About five years before retirement, the door to my fifth career, as a writer, appeared. Once again, I knocked. I have written nine books. Writing is my passion. I feel best when I’m writing.

When Jesus said, “Knock and the door will be opened,” he spoke the truth. All we need do is open our eyes and hearts to see the door. And it takes courage to knock, even though we know God has good plans for us.

What doors have you passed by or knocked on over the years? What doors are in front of you right now? May you have the courage to knock and let your adventure begin.



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