Last fall when we were booking these flights, it seemed reasonable to find the cheapest. Travel is expensive and we’ve done a lot of it in the last seven months. We set up a flight to Vancouver that stopped in Edmonton. For the difference in dollars it sounded like a great idea. In actuality it hasn’t worked out quite as well as we had hoped.
We left Toronto last night one hour late, due to mechanical difficulties. In my desire to follow the words of St. Paul and think on whatever is good, whatever is lovely, etc. I have decided that it was much better to miss our connecting flight in Edmonton than to have our plane fall out of the sky over the prairies, especially in winter. I don’t like the cold. When we finally arrived in Edmonton we learned that the later flights for Vancouver were fully booked. Westjet set us up in a beautiful room in the airport Comfort Inn and Suites. We phoned Bonnie. She was supposed to pick us up at the airport in Vancouver. It was already midnight there. She was grateful that she could go to bed. We had time for 4 solid hours of sleep in a king-size bed. Much better than stretching out on the airport floor.
This morning we’re aboard a Turbo Prop Dash Eight or Q400 .The tiny wings are loaded with a huge engine and propeller, so they have their own set of wheels. Flying in a small plane, feels much like being aboard a bird. On the big passenger jets it feel as if you are just boarding a bus, even though it’s hard to believe those monstrous contraptions ever get off the ground. With the Dash 8 we didn’t even have a boarding ramp. We walked out into the snow, across the tarmac and climbed the stairs into the plane. I let myself imagine I was one of those famous people, or politicians who wave at the world as they board their private jets.
It’s very cold here in Edmonton, so our plane was totally de-iced before we could leave. That is certainly an interesting thing to watch. This trip has been an education. Once again something good on which to focus. There are only thirty passengers. The plane can carry 50. Loading was quick and efficient. Deplaning will be the same.
My last good thought for you this morning. We are flying over the snow-covered Rockies. The clouds have parted and we can see them. Spectacular! Just Spectacular! What a bonus. We’re flying high but not quite as high as in an airbus. Thank you God for parting those clouds. Thank you for five minutes of soaking in your magnificent creation.
Yup St. Paul has the right idea. “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things and…the God of peace will be with you…
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want… (Philippians 4: 8 and following)