R.I.D.E. the Spirit!



In today’s culture we don’t have to be alcoholics to say:

“I’m glad that job’s done, let’s have a glass of wine to celebrate.”

I’ve had a terrible day. Let’s have a drink before dinner to relax.”

Society tells us that a simple drink of alcohol will lift us up out of the doldrums, increase our joy, give us courage. In books, television, movies, stars have a glass of wine etc. when they are particularly happy with each other or with whatever has happened In their lives. They confidently take a ride on the spirit called alcohol.

Today I offer you a different spirit – God’s Spirit. Flying on God’s Spirit is a fabulous adrenalin rush. Whether I’m hugging my granddaughter, bringing a casserole to a sick friend, storytelling or dancing with Tom, I fly on God’s Spirit. Over the years I’ve also learned to flow with God’s Spirit. Through prayer, and favorite scriptures, God’s peace flows through me being bringing peace. When I read Psalm 23 (commonly called, “The Lord Is My shepherd”) I literally feel God’s Spirit settle down upon me, like a warm cloak around my shoulders. Peace permeates my body.

Although I too succumb occasionally to the cultural belief that alcohol will help me fly, or rest, I know in my heart that God’s Spirit is what I need. For sure, I love to feel the special wine glass in my hand but what’s in it is not really important. A bubbly juice or sparkling water in a crystal wine glass satisfies my need for something special and to join in with everyone else. Then, I ask for God’s Spirit to rise up within me. I soak in God’s energy and peace.

This year I suggest you try flying on God’s Spirit. You’ll be amazed at the joy you receive. AND you’ll greet the neighbourhood R.I.D.E. program with peace.

 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)



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