Red Rubber Boots

Some of you will receive this post in your inbox today, on this rainy morning. The rest will receive it on Facebook or linked in tomorrow when we are promised sunshine. Still it’s a thought that might bring a chuckle.

                    Feeling protected in my red rubber boots. 

This morning I wrote an email to my friend, Verna, who lives on a farm. Like me, Verna is doing some walking to help her survive the Covid 19 Lock Down. Walking on the farm, in my imagination would require rubber boots. Living in the city,  my rubber boots, bought for visiting Vancouver, are a bright red. I pictured myself having fun splashing in the puddles as I wandered down a country lane in my red rubber boots. On the other side of the fence a herd of cattle stood silently shivering in the rain. Being a farm girl myself I know that cattle are curious creatures. They would be staring, their eyes following my progress.

In my imagination I heard one cow say to the other, “MMMMmmm Red! Rather fashionable footware for a farm.”

As they watched, one of my boots got stuck in the mud. I struggled hard but couldn’t get it loose. As I stood there frustrated a second cow said, “Black, Brown, Red. She’s still gonna have a wet foot.”

Sometimes even the finest and most fashionable preparations can’t keep us dry and comfortable.


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