January 9, 2025

Image by John Hain from Pixabay I finished 2024 with a column about Hope. My topic for this column, January 2025, is humility, the foundation stone of Hope. For the last month I’ve been reflecting on the thoughts of Canadian First Nations author, Richard Wagamese in his book, “One Drum: Stories and Ceremonies for a Planet.” Richard begins…

April 25, 2024

Last Saturday morning at the annual meeting of the East-Central Ontario Regional Council (ECORC) of the United Church, our day was started by Dorothy Taylor, an Elder of the White Porcupine clan of Curve Lake First Nation. Wearing just a taste of the beautiful beadwork that spoke of her First Nations ancestry, Dorothy greeted us…

August 31, 2023

Sometimes the Bible’s wisdom seems to be total fantasy. The story of Esau returning home hungry and trading his future for a bowl of soup has always seemed ridiculous to me. Who would be so foolish as to trade his inheritance, his future for a bowl of soup? And what relative or friend would be…

The Love at Home is Holy
June 6, 2021

This week, our tears pour forth for the pain of our First Nations brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, relatives and friends. This horror has happened over and over in the history of our world. As human beings we are capable of great beauty and wonder, and terrible violence and pain. Today I offer you…

December 23, 2020

      This article appeared in Peterborough This Week. For me it felt good to hear about a child caring for others, and especially a First Nation’s child from our area. We forget that children have so much to teach us. This time it’s “do what you can, one person at a time.” Too…


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