December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas everyone. I offer this greeting because I am writing this  on Christmas morning. Today my heart is focused on the fact, and I declare it is a fact, that God loves us. As we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, and believe that he was God’s child, and God with us, we can know that each…

December 10, 2021

Christmas Priorities           Advent is one of those times when I look at my life and reset my priorities. This year our preparations for Christmas look a little different. We’ve managed to get our Christmas tree up and decorated early. In the past, that meant a couple of hours of first wrestling with tree lights,…

January 22, 2021

I’m Just a Bow, At the moment, I am reading a fun book, Everyday Parables by James Taylor.   Taylor uses door hinges and CD players to connect our faith to our lives. Jesus told parables to teach about God. He used the mustard seed to explain that whatever amount of faith we have is enough….

November 13, 2020

How Do We Become God’s Faithful People. In today’s world, tradespeople are highly valued. Qualifying as a skilled trades person is a lengthy process. After three years or more of college comes another two or three year apprenticeship, working beside a master of the trade. Covid 19 has made it safer to learn all we…

August 19, 2020

Does God Give Us Our Pain? Too often I have been told that this trouble, this illness, this grief, even Covid 19, is God’s gift to refine me into a better person. That makes me angry. Causing misery, pain, or hurt is not loving. Today I offer to you my understanding of who God is…

July 18, 2020

My children and grandchildren have grown up. My relationship with them has changed. I no longer have even an imagined control over their decisions or actions. I sit on the sidelines of their lives and watch and pray. Sometimes, I glow with pride and sometimes, I cry with them in their disappointments. Always I love…


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