March 20, 2024

  Image by Almeida from Pixabay The Season of Lent – Why? Many of us have lives so busy we often feel overwhelmed. Too many of us believe we have no choice. We just keep on keeping on. Some are like pet hamsters who run on treadmills, hard as they can, but go nowhere. Now that’s drudgery. For…

December 2, 2023

Regardless of which faith we practice or don’t practice, this Christmas let’s wrap our Christmas or Hanukkah or Bodhi Day or Tulsi Pujan Diwas or… celebrations in PRAYER. The Christian Advent season has begun. It’s our time to prepare for Christmas, to renew our joy and commitment to our faith, to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Some…

September 8, 2023

Silence and God’s Presence  One night at supper, we were discussing the phone addiction that has descended on many people today. My grandson, a young businessman said, “It’s hard to find workers today who won’t slip around every available corner, stop work and text on their phone.” We are addicted, not just to our phones…

November 25, 2022

Shock! Sadness! Lament! Even the Flowers Are Crying! Prayer! This past week a tragic accident happened. A family from Keene United Church were almost all wiped out. Jon, Stephanie and teenage son, Riddick, died in the crash. Only their daughter, Rowghan, also a teen, has survived. She is at Sick Kids hospital with multiple injuries….

March 30, 2022

  We are down to the last sentence of the “Lord’s Prayer”. “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory, Amen.” Matthew 6:9-13, does not include this sentence. Why, then, did many of us, particularly Protestants, add this sentence? To find an answer, I did some research on Google and found this…

February 8, 2022

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread  “Give us this day our daily bread.” Like every sentence in this prayer, this one has great significance. Of course, I am grateful that I don’t have to worry about having enough to eat. Of course, I pray that all people everywhere will have enough. I don’t want…

January 27, 2022

Hallowed be Thy name. Without thinking very much, we say this part of the first sentence in our Christian family prayer. It just slips out of our mouths by rote. “Hallowed” is an unusual word in our vocabulary today. It means greatly revered and honoured, set apart. I can think of two reasons why Jesus…

January 9, 2022

As the New Year bgins, and Covid continues to vex us, I’ve been thinking about the Lord’s Prayer. I remember telling my church kids that this prayer is really a Christian family prayer. People the world over pray the Lord’s Prayer. Years ago, I attended Sunday morning worship on Margarita Island, Venezuela. The service, of…


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