The Election Is Over, Now What

I'm what you have. Pray for me.
I’m what you have. Pray for me.

Our federal election is over. As a nation we have chosen a new leader. We have more choices ahead of us. We can join the crowd across our country who are waiting for Justin’s first mistake so we can descend like vultures and say, “I knew it. That’s why I didn’t vote for him.” What will that accomplish except to fill our hearts with negative thoughts and send negative vibes to Ottawa.

Today, I challenge you to choose a more positive path, to let go of adversarial thinking and focus on goodness for our country and the world. After all, we do want the best possible government for our country. For the next four years, these are the leaders that can bring that hope to fruition.

There will be times when we disagree with decisions our government makes. At those times we can choose to do the research on the issues and write letters or be part of delegations bringing alternative suggestions for what we believe is a better way.

As Christians we believe in the power of prayer. In his book, “The Only Necessary Thing,” modern day theologian reminds us that too often we wait and turn to prayer as a last resort. He challenges us to begin with prayer because prayer makes a difference.

For now, I challenge us all to use this new beginning for our country as the moment we begin to wrap our nation and its leaders in prayer. Let’s ask God to give them gifts of wisdom and compassion. Let’s send positive thoughts to surround our newly elected MP’s as they make decisions for our people, the environment, the world. Let’s use the power of prayer to make Canada a strong and loving nation.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)


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