Last week, a man fanned the flames of hatred and fear around the world. Because he claimed to be a Christian, the news media gave credibility to his threats. His message and the world’s reaction screamed at us from our televisions, radios, and newspapers.. . Jesus taught love and acceptance not disrespect, destruction and violence. This man was using Christianity not being a Christian.
If the acts of love and caring done by Christians received the same media attention, maybe we could fan the flames of goodness and acceptance around the world.. So today, I offer you this quote from a conversation during a golf game last week.
A teenager, who was part of our golf foursome was having a particularly bad game. She either topped the ball or sent it flying over into the other fairway. At one point, she and I stopped to talk while we waited for our friends to hit the ball. She told me about a power point she had made for the Sunday’s service. I affirmed her willingness to give of her time and talent to our congregation. She responded, “I just love church. I love the people. I love Jean (one of our oldest members0 and Beth (one of the youngest). I love them all. They always speak to me. They’re interested in me and they’re interesting.” She smiled her dazzling smile, stepped up to her ball and swung. It sailed straight and high and true right down the middle of the fairway. “See,” she said, “I just think about church and I feel better.” My heart lifted with joy.
As Christians we’re not about condemning what others believe and trying to hurt them. As Christians we’re called to love God, our neighbours as ourselves. We gather as a church family to offer the rock of Jesus’ love as a solid foundation for life.
Jesus said, “A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35