We’re on our way. This morning was interesting. When we finally climbed into the car, I said, “We’re an amazing team. We planned to leave at 9:00 a.m. It’s now 11:15. Still there’s been no stress, no grumpy words. Wow.”
Travelling for 7 weeks requires a tremendous amount of getting ready. Besides all the other stuff, we wanted to have our income tax ready for Alexis before we left. Sunday night I shouted triumphantly, “It’s done. We did it!”
At the same time, we needed to leave the house neat, tidy and extra clean. A few weeks ago, it seemed like a good idea when our son said, “Mom, if you have any thoughts about downsizing and moving, you should list the house before you leave. You’ll be able to avoid the hassle of keeping it spotless for people to see.”
In practice, this brilliant idea meant that we wanted everything neat and clean before we left. For us, the process of packing, usually leaves each room filled with prop wash. You’d think a speed boat had ripped through scattering stuff in all directions. This time peace reigns everywhere. Everything is in place, even in the closets. After all, people like to examine closets. No wonder we were two hours late leaving.
The drive to Missassauga was uneventful. Tom dropped me at Erin Mills Parkway to pick up a journal book. He slipped over to the nursing home to visit his mom. Errands done, I strolled the mall. Up ahead I saw an Oshawa friend.
“Hi Linda.”
“Jan, what are you doing here?”
We went to Zellers for tea and a chin wag until Tom returned. I’m glad I don’t walk with my head down staring at the floor.
We arrived at my sister, Anne’s in Blenheim by 5:45, right on schedule. A fabulous cook, she had a roast beef dinner complete with home made apple pie planned and nearly ready. A drink, some conversation, and the meal was served. Already, I’m aware, we’ll have to be careful, or we’ll both be blimps before we get home. The evening slipped by, as we caught up on news. We set up our bed in a box (Canadian Tire Special), in their living room and slept.