Who is in control of your tongue?

Tame Your Tongue

Usually I begin my sermon with King David’s prayer, “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord our strength and our redeemer.” (Psalm 19)

Even though I have spent hours in prayer and study preparing what I am going to say, and I feel confident that God has been a part of my thoughts, I ask one more time that God be in charge of my words.

But there is more to life than Sunday morning worship. As I read the words of the Psalm once again last week, I was reminded of the harm and the goodness  our words can do.

Words have tremendous power.

They can bring joy and excitement. They can bring fear.

Listen to your words.

Watch the effect they have on others. Who is in control of your tongue? Do you glibly repeat the opinions of others without thinking? Does your need to please govern the words you say? Are your words filled with impatience or anger? Do your words bring joy and hope, or distress and fear.

Who exactly is in control of your tongue?  I encourage you to begin each day with King David’s prayer or one of your own. Ask God to take charge of your tongue. and your heart.


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