Why Are We So Blessed?
by Janet Stobie
Our week visiting friends in Montreal was a culinary delight. We devoured sweet corn drenched in butter. We sliced luscious peaches onto Nancy’s amazing cheesecake. The warm weather invited us to walk each day, giving our bodies the blessing of exercise.
The evening Nancy and Richard received news of the birth of their new granddaughter, our conversation centered around the blessings in our lives. This brought the question, “Why are some of us blessed so extravagantly while others go hungry?
We know that there is enough food produced to feed the world if it were distributed evenly. We know that there is more than enough love available to build a world of peace if we choose to live it. I believe we are blessed to share.
The next day, our daughter called to tell us she had finally found the home of her dreams and at a reasonable price. Excited and happy, she asked, “Am I being greedy to want this?”
My response to her was the same – We are blessed to share.
In the Montreal Gazette, I read a story titled “Gardens of Goodwill.” Last year Susan and Domenic Argento started donating the surplus fresh produce from their garden to the Old Brewery Mission that feeds seven hundred homeless people per day. They put out a collection box so their neighbours could do the same. This year their backyard initiative has grown into a project that involves neighbours, businesses and farms around Montreal. The Argentos not only share their blessings, but they help others do the same.
We can share easily and simply. Whether it’s our time, our money, our things or our caring, the opportunities are as abundant as our blessings. I suggest that this week you open your mind to sharing. Search out your opportunities to use your abundance to fill someone else’s need. Join God’s plan for our world.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40)